Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) is an integral part of the three-component model of agricultural education. SAE is a student-led, instructor-supervised, work-based learning experience that results in measurable outcomes within a predefined, agreed upon set of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Technical Standards and Career Ready Practices aligned to your Career Plan of study.

Types of SAE's

  • Placement/Internship

  • Research--Experimental, Analysis or Invention

  • School-Based Enterprise

  • Service Learning SAE

  • Ownership/Entrepreneurship

  • Exploratory SAE

AET Login Information:

Agriculture Experience Tracker

Chapter ID: IA0343

Autumn's Entrepreneurship SAE

Autumn Wild raises a breeding herd of Nigerian Dwarf goats, she currently has 5 breeding does and leases multiple bucks during breeding season. Autumn shows her goats extensively through the summer at the Story County Fair, Iowa State Fair, and various open-class dairy goat shows in the midwest. Autumn has had great show successes including Reserve Grand Champion Junior and Senior doe at the Story County Fair, Reserve Grand Champion Junior doe at the Iowa State Fair, and earned her Superior Showman Belt buckle a the Iowa State Fair.

Jenna's Placement SAE

For Jenna's SAE project, she takes care of her cows at her grandparent's farm. She feeds them grain and hay, moves cow manure out of their pins, moves them from the pasture to the pins, helps the vet get them vaccinated, and helps tag the babies when they are born.